
About NMTA

National Music & Talents Awards

The National Music and Talent Awards is based in Gent, Belgium. Our vision is to encourage those with talents who are not using it   thinking they cannot not make it. To encourage them  in a way of nominating them and awarding them every year for the great work they have been doing.

Having a Talent is a great thing.  But not using it is something else. We will want to let them know that they can use it by awarding those who have taken the risk to use theirs and made it possible.   Some youth came from Ghana and other African countries who think they are only here for money so they will not build what is within them. By going to school to become what God wants them to be.  But rather ran out doing a different thing. 

Whereas some of them spent their time to learn the language, go to school and  became useful to the society. So we encourage everybody to use their talent no matter how small. Your talent can be useful to the society tomorrow to come. Read: Matthew: 25: 15-30

The NMTA  board will work In collaboration with the city of Gent and sponsors  and through it's own marketing initiative to ensure maximum exposure for the Awards.



nominations and voting

Nomination and voting dates

Nominations start from Sunday, 18th June to Sinday, 6th August 2023
Nominations can be submitted here:


Voting starts from Sunday, 13th August to Monday, 28th SeptemberAll voting take place at this link:


To be eligible for the National Music and Talent Awards 2023 nomination, the submitted work must have been released between 1st January 2022 – 31st September 2023


But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore

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